Saturday, January 01, 2011


The year of the Rabbit (symbol of endurance).
It will be a peaceful year after a tumultuous Tiger year.

What caught my eye the most in the net:

"Relationships continue to be a major priority this year Libra, but topping this list is the relationship you have with number one. Falling in love with yourself and being true to your needs is no longer a luxury but a dire necessity."
"By nature you're indecisive but 2011 is the year for commitment. Put your doubts aside and just get on with what you do best: bringing more beauty and harmony to everything you touch. At the end of the day, you're an artist."

"Your lucky stars gathering together to stabilize your luck towards the end of 2011. However there will still be impediments in your business plans. Think twice before starting any new ventures. Take care of your health, take good rest and do not overwork."

And the year started (not so) well... with a heated argument and a mild cold! Predicted in most of the sites I read.
There seems to be somehow contradictory planetary energies between my solar zodiac sign Libra and my Chinese zodiac sign Tiger... I guess it all depends on how you deal with certain situations, a wound is more or less painful according to the pain level each individual can take; or a meringue cake is savory only if you like sweets.

HOPE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, PEACE, PROSPERITY, REASONING, CARE, CONSIDERATION, RESPECT, BLISS among/between/for/with/from all human beings and mother Earth!