Thursday, July 04, 2013

Souvenirs Lointains (?)

Cela me rappel des bons vieux souvenirs d'école....

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss ??

We were engaged in a heated conversation,
it was like watching a film,
I could "see" us discussing passionately,
defending our contrasting points of view....
a thought came to my mind.

An equal level of ignorance (or knowledge... or the lack of it)
can get you to two (maybe more ?) opposite directions:

1. Stigmatizing (to describe or identify in opprobrious terms) and judging (to form a -negative in general, opinion about) others
2. Putting everyone in a "universal basket" and seeing all as human beings, simply

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Street Art

Samedi, 8 décembre 2012

Paris zero degré 
10h du matin
Tou(te)s prêt(e)s pour un tour en vélo avec Demian
(Re)découverte du "street art" de Paname


  Une journée surprenante!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Famille, Amis, Yoga, Golf, Travail...
Joie, Rires, Pleurs, Doutes, Peurs, Patience, Impateince, Bonheur, Questions....

Monday, May 28, 2012

Una vez mas

El trabajo que he estado haciendo en cuanto a lecturas, 
comprension intelectual del mundo y mi rol en él...
e incluso mi interaccion con los otros 
no ha llegado a ningun tipo de resultado
ni la mas remota mejora en cuanto a la atraccion hacia/con/para/por el otro

La nocion de "lacher prise" es casi virtual para mi...
inexistente... no lo se
el acondicionamiento y los patrones que se han formado 
durante mas de 35 anos no son faciles de romper... 

Sunday, January 01, 2012


H.a.P.P.Y.   H.e.a.L.T.H.Y.   L.o.V.e.L.Y.   L.i.V.e.L.Y.   L.i.G.H.T.e.N.i.N.G.!!!

Sunday, July 03, 2011


My best friend told me
I overreacted
She told me I took things too seriously
She told me I had a big heart
But not a very keen sense of humour
She said I should stop my bad habit of frowning my eyebrows
She said I had a nice smile
That I should use it more often
That I should also look straight into the eyes of others
Even if they were strangers…
Strangers that came across… me… in the metro, in the streets, in the theater, in the hall , in the cinema or anywhere else
She also said I should keep my eyes at my height level or higher when I walked
So I can meet other people’s eyes
She said I should not lower my sight when my eyes encounter others’
Strangers’ eyes
That I should look straight
That I should try to find out
Or simply look
Look into their souls
She said looking at humans was like looking at nature
it can give you hundreds or more of other emotions and feelings by looking into people’s eyes

I was walking along the canal
That’s when I saw you from far… very far
I could recognize your shape, it was you…
I could almost feel that I was coming across you from… far behind
I as happy and excited !!
I was at last going to be able to have you
When I woke up, I was filled with that desire
In and out… I needed it
And now you want
I could at last start, start what I had wanting to for such a long time
Now I’m completely out… in
and some part in… still
There… reminiscent… trying hard… once…. twice
Againg and again and again…
My best friend told me I was better!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Introversion is a state of mind
Or a chosen attitude
A behaviour or a pattern
A psycological path
A vase with flowers
Or a book full of words
A mirror Inside
Or a silent pause
I look into the ground
And dip into the lake
A lamp, a hand, a phone and a thought….

Monday, June 20, 2011


The thoughts that escape and hide
Behind the layers of unforgettable memories
Mingle and dance in and out

And I hear you… whispering
In the beginning
Trying to voice it out
As time passes by

Repeating it over and over
As it was that important
Trying to escape again and again
Yet regret and fear are pushing you
Not letting the outlet be visible
Mingle and dance in and out

Tell me you want me
Tell me you need me
Say my existence is essential
Oh glory
Say you will let me stray within
Until the wave reaches its lowest ebb

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saint Valentine's


Cada día se con mas convicción que el hacer... ser yoga es lo que deseo y creo que es el camino que debo seguir!

Estuvo súper el día de hoy!
Al final, él canto a capela con su guitarra. La resonancia de su voz en el espacio, las respiraciones calmadas, los cuerpos inmóviles, el eco ligero, la energia que flota despues de tanto esfuerzo...

Sus vibraciones llegaron hasta el fondo de mis venas, de mis huesos y de mi corazón! Fue simplemente hermoso y conmovedor!
Las lagrimas que deslizaron de mis ojos fue solo el resultado de una reacción a una emoción tan bella, a un sentimiento tan noble, a tanta bondad, a tanta generosidad...

Y también una reacción a la letra de su canción: you don't know how to love, lips burning, you don't know what is love...

Saturday, January 01, 2011


The year of the Rabbit (symbol of endurance).
It will be a peaceful year after a tumultuous Tiger year.

What caught my eye the most in the net:

"Relationships continue to be a major priority this year Libra, but topping this list is the relationship you have with number one. Falling in love with yourself and being true to your needs is no longer a luxury but a dire necessity."
"By nature you're indecisive but 2011 is the year for commitment. Put your doubts aside and just get on with what you do best: bringing more beauty and harmony to everything you touch. At the end of the day, you're an artist."

"Your lucky stars gathering together to stabilize your luck towards the end of 2011. However there will still be impediments in your business plans. Think twice before starting any new ventures. Take care of your health, take good rest and do not overwork."

And the year started (not so) well... with a heated argument and a mild cold! Predicted in most of the sites I read.
There seems to be somehow contradictory planetary energies between my solar zodiac sign Libra and my Chinese zodiac sign Tiger... I guess it all depends on how you deal with certain situations, a wound is more or less painful according to the pain level each individual can take; or a meringue cake is savory only if you like sweets.

HOPE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, PEACE, PROSPERITY, REASONING, CARE, CONSIDERATION, RESPECT, BLISS among/between/for/with/from all human beings and mother Earth!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


He said "You live in a city, you have to learn how to live within a community.... Yoga allows you to have the body strength and the mind control... it helps you to get rid of your fears until you become open when practice is regular..."

Saturday, October 09, 2010

9.10.2010 MY 36TH

Beautiful souls you are
Generous and considerate

O lucky me
I have you by my side

One thought and two words
Had made my day

Warm thoughts to you all

Gratefulness in my heart
Thankfulness and bliss....

T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U.!!

Friday, October 08, 2010


How to get close to you
How to even dare to look at you
Belle figure

How to say hi or to make you say it
How to reveal all I have in my heart
For so long

How to show you my wounded soul
How to let you see my naked spirit
Without ambiguity

How to be noticed
How to be praised
Ocean wide O! Crying

How to make you discover me
How to make you love me


Monday, September 06, 2010

Un regard singulier (des heteronymes) PESSOA

Frère Maurice

Je suis perpétuellement consumé par un profond, un inextinguible amour de l'humanité, un profond désir de faire le bien, de défendre les faibles, de réaliser des choses prodigieuses.
Bien souvent, je sens ma volonté si faible, mes projets si incertains, que je me dis: je vais abandonner toutes mes idées d'altruisme. Peut-être ne profiterai-je de la vie, mais au moins je ne me soucierai plus de rien, j'abandonnerai tout.

Alexander Search

Mon désir intense d'améliorer la situation font naitre en moi, avec quelle ardeur, intensité et sincérité - mille projets qui, même s'ils étaient réalisables par un seul homme, exigeraient qu'il possède une caractéristique: la force de la volonté. Mais je souffre - au point de frôler la folie, je le jure - comme si je pouvais tout accomplir, et que j'échoue par simple manque de volonté. C'est une souffrance terrible, qui me tient constamment, je l'affirme, au bord de la folie.

... dans d'autres cas, leur façon de parler révèle, pour le moins, l'absence d'un vrai enthousiasme...

Cabe decir que es completamente cierto pero que en mi caso personal no logro meter esa pasión que siento dentro de mi al hablar!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Un regard singulier du (rêveur -tourmenté) PESSOA

Dans la personnalité du rêveur on relève certaines caractéristiques : son asexualité, ou sa parasexualité, par exemple, sont évidentes; elles reflètent de la façon la plus flagrante son incapacité à affronter la normalité et la réalité des choses.

Mon esprit tout entier est pétri de doute et d'hésitation. Rien n'est ni ne peut être positif pour moi; toutes les choses oscillent autour de moi, et avec elles, dans une incertitude totale à mon égard.

Ma vie entière a été une vie de passivité et de rêverie. Mon caractère tout entier se définit par l'aversion, l'horreur et l'impossibilité - qui imprègnent tout ce que je suis, sur le plan physique et mental - d'entreprendre des actions décisives, et de concevoir des pensées bien arrêtées.... Je suis incapable de surmonter mon aversion à l'idée d'achever quoi que ce soit.

- Un regard singulier Fernando Pessoa

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Un regard singulier (du lecteur) PESSOA

Quoique j'aie été un lecteur avide et fervent, je ne me souviens d'aucun des livres que j'ai lus... Même le souvenir que je garde des événements, des choses extérieurs, reste vague, plutôt qu'incohérent...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Two times, One space

When I live the moment I don't enjoy it, it is always and only once it belongs to the past that it becomes a cherished moment...
Like if I was living in two times/spaces.
Like if my head was detached from my body
While my body moves forward in space-time, my head stays behind in time

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sometimes silence is
more terrifying
than a negative

And I wonder why
you are not replying
And I wonder why
your silence affects
so much my mood
And I wonder why
I am still not so strong
And I wonder why
I keep hanging on

Thursday, March 04, 2010


The day
I understand or...
rather feel
that being stupid is ok
because it is so...
so relative

And being ridicule
is also ok
beacuse it is
only in your head

And what others think
should be like a sound
a sound that flies away
flies and disappears with the wind

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

La Duda

La duda se instala tan rapidamente...
Si tuviera una forma fisica
seria como una masa
semi-liquida, semi-gelatinosa
de color obscuro
que al tocarte avanza lentamente
hasta acapararte y envolverte...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Forget and forgiveness

"...y es casi como si hubiera hecho las paces (internas obviamente),
y todo el resentimiento ha desaparecido...
mi corazon es libre...."

Hanging to

Why is it that we sometimes hang to a little string that might not even be there...
(still thinking of B)

Monday, January 05, 2009

Soy II

Le froid est arrivé sur Paris depuis quelques jours
j'avais dit que cet hiver serait dur...
on n'est jamais vraiment préparé psychologiquement...

Les pieds sont, dans des natures comme la mienne,
ceux qui souffrent d'abord.

Tous ces produits proposés aux consommateurs
et moi, moi je ne trouve pas mon bonheur....

Je voudrais 2 choses pour passer cet hiver:
une paire des bottes chaudes (fourrées de préference -pas très ethique)
et une doudoune cape (?) (pas très ethique non plus aujourd'hui)

Et si la recherche n'a pas été très poussée
cela me donne presque envie de créer mes propres besoins....

Et.... hmmm
si c'était cela le futur?
changer notre monde economique actuel:
ne plus proposer des myriades des choses qui finissent
finalement dans la poubelle ou dans les braderies....
mais trouver le système, le système
où l'on trouve ce dont chacun a besoin...
matériel ou immatériel d'ailleurs...
idée à creuser???

Saturday, September 27, 2008

La vida da vueltas

Dans deux semaines j'aurais 34 ans...

Les choix que nous faisons où
ceux que nous ne faisons pas
dans la vie
sont étrangement là
quand nous les attendons guère...


Le moment venu, quand le choix est inexorable
et une décision doit être prise...

La "peur de passer à côté de quelque chose"
nous hante, nous obssède...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Necesito pensar dedicadamente,
decididamente, profundamente,
a eso.... la vida.
Y como lo habré dicho en algun lado
......por alli.......
y+ yearns of doing, getting, making, being, setting
and more.......

Dias como hoy me digo que tal vez, mi lugar no este aqui....
No logro comprender a la gente, a la humanidad.
Mi unico deseo en este instante es de
volar y tener la sensacion de libertad!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ay que te extraño

Un autre coucher de soleil magnifique,
le Mexique,
l'idée de penser que j'y serai dans moins d'un mois
m'enchante au plus profond de moi

Sunday, June 24, 2007

La noche

Quartier Oberkampf. La vue de mon appartement.
Un soir....

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Es comun ver obras en hoteles,
a veces son buenas elecciones, la mayoria no lo son
pero en el Cerulean Tokyo, en el 3020
la litografia (print) de... un artista... seguramente japones
me llamo la atencion
casi podria creer que es de una mujer....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rojo Carmin

I do not know where to start,
I guess this picture is a good one...
it served as my greeting's card for this year.

I had spent 3 hours on the rooftop of my good friend's Paty,
it was 2 degress, sunny, bright and clear sky,
the wind is particularly strong when you go above to see the sky
couldn't wear gloves as I was shooting
my feet and hands felt numb, like ice cubes...
went in and down to make myself a hot tea,
i knew i had to go back,
pick and pack the material....

I stood there, astonished....
I felt blissful!